Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Making a Dream Come True.

Well, when grandma get's an idea in her head it's there to stay even if it takes three years to do it. Never say CAN'T. A man was taking this to the dump and I told him to dump it at my house for free. LOL I have been every sense trying to figure out how to get it up to the area by my home so I could enjoy seeing it as a Koi pond. This was the time to do or die. I got it up on the truck and saw it was almost as big as the poor little Volkswagon and was really feeling like I was asking too much from my truck. Had about given up when Glen (My daughters friend) came home and asked if he could help me. Gads. Always scared for others to help me with my crazy ideas for fear they hurt their backs. So many people with bad backs and sure don't want anyone to have that due to me and my ideas. He insisted and so with the two of us it was up and tied on in a flash. This morning I decided to go for getting it where it was to live. With PVC pipes and a couple of sheets of plywood it was a breeze. SO you see from the beginning to getting it off the truck and down to its new home. Boots, love of my life kitty is checking it out. My animals are always around when I'm working to see if I do it right.
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