Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Making a Dream Come True.

Well, when grandma get's an idea in her head it's there to stay even if it takes three years to do it. Never say CAN'T. A man was taking this to the dump and I told him to dump it at my house for free. LOL I have been every sense trying to figure out how to get it up to the area by my home so I could enjoy seeing it as a Koi pond. This was the time to do or die. I got it up on the truck and saw it was almost as big as the poor little Volkswagon and was really feeling like I was asking too much from my truck. Had about given up when Glen (My daughters friend) came home and asked if he could help me. Gads. Always scared for others to help me with my crazy ideas for fear they hurt their backs. So many people with bad backs and sure don't want anyone to have that due to me and my ideas. He insisted and so with the two of us it was up and tied on in a flash. This morning I decided to go for getting it where it was to live. With PVC pipes and a couple of sheets of plywood it was a breeze. SO you see from the beginning to getting it off the truck and down to its new home. Boots, love of my life kitty is checking it out. My animals are always around when I'm working to see if I do it right.
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Little Kitties grow Fast

It's hard to believe the Boots now was ever this small.  The little black one with white boots and tummy is Boots
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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Hard to believe this egg has been patiently waiting to be finished for over two years.
Never say die with grandma. All projects and plans made may not be done fast but they will be done someday.
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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Preparing for the BIG Move of Cupboards

Seems no matter what project is to be done there is many others to do first to be able to do the original project. To move my old cupboards from the canopy on the right to the shed on the left I had to prune the Wisteria that had been taking over this area. If you look close in the middle of the picture you can see the botton of the cupboard as I turned it on its face so I could renail the backing before putting in the shed. My poor little wheelbarrow always seems to have to work over time with me filling it toooo full. I have a long ways to go to put all this kind of thing in a canyon I'm filling. Old legs rather take a few big loads and less trips. LOL
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Working for Things you Want

When I changed from my old mobile to a new factory built home My son helped me dismantle the old one. We saved the cupboards and they have been stored in a canopy to be used later. I finaly got the urge to get them moved to a small wooden shed I have to keep them from the weather.  Even though they weren't getting rained on the finish was getting bad. With no one to help I turned to my magic helpers. (PVC pipes) It is amazing how big and heavy things can be moved with just an old lady with a hard head and a few pipes. LOL It took a few times to sit down to look and figure out each move to get up some stips to the shed but this is the happy end result. I still have to do some refinishing to repair what the weather did this past two years but it will give me a great place to keep all my tools for my arts together. I hope this will save me from having to go on a major safari hunt every time the bug bites to make me want to work on some of my arts.
If you want something bad enough most of the time you can figure a problem out.
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Second Surprise

I love the surprises my yard gives me.  I was happy with one set of flowers on the cactus but now it has given me the second set of bloomings and has more buds that look as if I could get a third blooming.

Monday, October 4, 2010

This is Miss Priss. She was Princes till she decided she was a very indepandant little gal that is out side and inside checking to see what life has to offer for entertainment. Here is a wonderful place to watch the fish swimming around. The water even tastes better from the fish pond.
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